About Us

Welcome to the Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Landowner Alliance.

Our Mission:  

To represent the interests and rights of Pennsylvania oil and gas resource owners and landowners and to advocate for the equitable development of our resources.
Gas Drilling Rig with American Flag

Founded in 2010, our organization re-named itself Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Landowners Alliance (POGLA) in 2019. 

  • We support our members with active management of their Oil and Gas Royalties and properties. 
  • We offer meeting opportunities, regular newsletters, and membership tools including this website.
  • We are focused on Pennsylvania Oil and Gas issues.  We need to keep pace with legislative, judiciary, and regulatory challenges that Pennsylvania faces every day, while also keeping up to date on issues of national importance as they arise.

Click the green link to view the 2024 POGLA Board of Directors

Volunteer Today!

POGLA is a volunteer-led organization.  If you would like to volunteer please contact [email protected] today!  We need help in many areas!

POGLA Executive Committee

President- Robert Sher
Vice President- Thaddeus Stevens
Secretary- Valerie Antonette
Treasurer- Kevin T. Downs
Membership Director - Jackie Root

(Last updated 4/28/2024)

POGLA Board of Directors